Phillip Thompson

Crime Fiction writer

The Booze Rumor
, published November 2012, O-Dark-Thirty (the literary journal of the Veterans Writing Project)

VWP“Moonpie was laughing his ass off as we bounced all over the Pacific sky while our C-5 refueled from another plane. Guys were puking all over the place, and the ones who weren’t were as green as St. Patrick’s Day.” 

Read the full story here.

Kenny’s Saturday Night Cake Walk, published July 2013, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature.

Dead Mule 2“Bobby flipped him an ice-cold Bud out of the refrigerator, over his shoulder, before heading out through the kitchen door and into the back yard – mostly ankle-high crabgrass and dandelion. Couple of lawn chairs. Bobby took one, Kenny the other. They sat and drank down the top half of their beers.”

Read the full story here.

Anything You Want, published February 2014, Thrills, Kills ‘n’ Chaos

cropped-tknc-header-1“I’d never killed a woman before, but the more Cindy talked, the more inclined I was to change my position. The only thing I wanted to hear come out of her mouth had to do with a pile of money, not some bullshit about gun control. As far as I was concerned, I had the gun pointed at her face under control. “

Read the full story here.

A Crimson Halo, published April 2015, Near To The Knuckle

Crimson-Halo5678-1038x576Jack Cable, a small-town detective with big-time problems, in a tale of deceit and betrayal: “Joe set his pistol on the counter and poured a cup of coffee from the machine. He took a sip, then slid the magazine out of the 9mm. The mag held 17. He reloaded the gun and stuck it in the back of his jeans and took a sip.” Read the full story here.

Making a Living Making a Killing, published October 2015, Yellow Mama

YM“I don’t usually kill anyone before noon, but since Vance was drinking whiskey in the passenger seat at nine o’clock in the morning, it didn’t feel like morning anyway.” Read the full story here.



Phantom Pain, April 2021, Yellow Mama

85_ym_phantompain_duncan“Taking a man’s fingers off one at a time takes planning.” Read the full story here.




Rats, Winter 2023, Starlite Pulp Review: “It’s four o’clock in the morning, and I’m in the back of van going down the interstate at eighty miles an hour. It’s not what you think.”

Read the full story in Starlite Pulp Review #3, available at Amazon.

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